Lips to Love - Jeune Ascot Vale Lip Fillers

Lips to Love

Almost every woman can understand the impact your lips make to your overall look, especially when lips stick or lip gloss is applied and the lips are a key focal point when communicating. Full, plump lips are considered luscious, feminine and sexy. The ‘ideal’ lips are fuller, natural-looking and well-defined, with a strong Cupid’s bow.

Did you know there are many other features that make lips appealing? Features such as a lip border, balance in both the top and bottom lip or symmetry on both the left and right sides are equally, if not more important. Even details such as smiley sides with corners that turn, or philtrum columns that curve to the upper lip are rated highly appealing. Over time our lips begin to deflate and flatten out, causing lips to become elongated and lose their youthfulness.

Everyone’s lip shape is slightly different and we may not all have what we consider to be the perfect pout, but we can enhance our features or even change the shape and definition with the help of dermal fillers.

Book an appointment with our Cosmetic Nurse Specialist on 9370 1997 to discuss how we can help you achieve kissable and lovable lips.

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