IPL Photo Rejuvenation - Jeune Ascot Vale & Moonee Ponds
Skin Treatments

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

IPL for Photo rejuvenation is using light therapy to reduce pigmentation, redness, broken capillaries, and improve general skin texture. The treatment is usually undertaken as a series of 3 to 4 treatments that are performed 4 weeks apart. A maintenance treatment is usually performed once per year to maintain and compliment the results.

Pigmentation Removal

 – Pigmentation is usually caused by either sun damage, trauma to the skin, or hormonal influences. Pigmentation is best treated with IPL in combination with the right skin care, please ask our friendly staff to recommend the right skin care for you. The hormonal pigmentation can occur on the face and neck from many hormonal triggers such as oral contraceptive, pregnancy and menopause. This form of pigmentation is the most difficult to treat. Removing the hormonal influence is the first step and keeping the area away from the sun can reduce pigmentation. The number of treatments can vary from person to person, but we expect to see an improvement with each treatment.

Sun Damage

 – IPL can drastically reduce the appearance of sun spots on the skin, as long as they are not raised. It is important that all sun spots are examined by a Doctor prior to treatment, this is to rule out any cancerous lesions. Spots can be treated individually as a ‘spot treatment’ or as a whole area.

Capillary Removal

– Broken capillaries on the face can be successfully treated using IPL. Light is passed through the skin and absorbed by the red color (hemoglobin) in the capillary, producing heat; the heat then causes the blood in the capillary to become sticky (coagulate) and block the vessel. Sometimes the body may repair the vessel over time, but can again be easily removed with IPL.


– Rosacea is a condition of the skin that presents as a generalized redness that can look angry and inflamed; if left untreated, it can form lumps on the skin. In some individuals, it can be constantly present, and in others it may come and go. Unfortunately it cannot be cured but can be controlled using a combination of skincare, IPL and antibiotics (please see Rosacea section in skin care). IPL treatment may consist of 3 to 6 sessions to drastically reduce the rosacea on the face.

Initially the face will be pink I if treating rosacea can be quite red) and the  pigment treated will be slightly darker , the skin around it may be reddened and slightly inflamed. By the next day the redness should have resolved. The pigment should be even darker again, in some cases changing to almost black and will appear dry. This will slowly come off with your normal skin cell turnover in 10 to 14 days. It important you don’t pick. After 5 to 7 days you may gently exfoliate

Can I Wear Makeup?

You can wear make up after IPL. We recommend mineral make up as it won’t “clog” your pores and has an anti- inflammatory effect.

How Many Treatments will I need?

The number of treatments depends upon the severity and type of condition, they can vary from 2 – 6. Your consultant will advise you during your assessment.

What areas can be treated?

Any areas on the face and body can be treated. On areas where there is hair present some hair may be lost. The most common areas are neck, face and décolletage. Consultation – $0 Full Face – $300 Hands (both) – $150 Decolletage – $250 Neck – $150

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